Chace Crawford

Chace Crawford

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bored . Bored . Bored

This morning i woke up around 7.45 am . Got to church ma . i used to be a Sunday School teacher . I met my friends, family n kids at the Church hall . I miss being a Sunday School teacher . some kids are so notty some are just as quiet as they are . =)

After church, me n my fam went to eat some breakfast . Unbelievable i ate " Mee Sua" n Omelet . LOL .

So Bam me bha . haha .
After dat, we all went home . As for me , me n my bro, Leon went to sleep ! ZZZZzzzz !
We sleep for 4 hours bha . haha . KANTOI mls ni . As usual I have to feed my bro n we have to go to my great grandpa house to attend the church thingy . hehe .

It;s kinda fun but nothin much to say coz i;m too buzy eating . babysitting . watching fifa .
So sad that England lose but probably England can win at other time . =)
As for my packing, about 90% almost done . So sad cant bring my teddy bear . Too big i think . LOL . I guess that's all . Nites!

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